VuCare Pooch Support Team

If you have, or know of, a puppy/young dog, which you think might be suitable for training, please contact our pooch support team by calling our Head Office on 1300 363 700 or by email at
For more information call us on 1300 830 166 or email us at Visit VuCare Assistance Dogs website at

VuCare Assistance Dogs Training Programs Australia


VuCare Assistance Dogs Training Programs:
For Pets and their companions.

– Better Pet basic
– Social Interaction
– Assess for home assist
– General home assist
– Advance home assist
– One on One Training
– Private Assistance Dogs
– Security Guard Dogs (AFP check required)
– Dog Training Course 1 (beginner)
– Dog Training Course 2 (advance)

For more information call us on 1300 830 166 or email us at Visit VuCare Assistance Dogs website at

Top 10 Advantages of Assistance Dogs and Therapy Dogs


There are so many reasons why dogs are considered man’s best friend – no one will ever be happier to see you when you walk through the front door daily or listen to you for hours on end with no grievance. There’s no doubt that dogs help lead to better well-being, which we emphasized in this post. Therapy and assistance service dogs, in particular, play a unique role in society, helping their owners work daily and make life simpler for them.

Top 10 Advantages of Assistance Dogs and Therapy Dogs

  • Helps individuals overcome speech disorders: Individuals with dysarthria deficiency muscle coordination in language motion. Therapy dogs can assist with this by raising the attention span and enhancing coordination.
  • Stress help: Therapy dogs can help patients suffering from illnesses like stress, serious disruptive behavioral disorder, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), and ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder). Studies show that when we touch dogs, it’s a curative power because hormones like dopamine and beta endorphin are being discharged.
  • Help with dementia: Frequently in the event the elderly grow dementia, therapy dogs can supply support by helping with easy jobs. These jobs include such matters as recovering items, walking with the those afflicted, and by providing support for all those in their attention emotionally and physically.
  • Support communicating: Dogs have an excellent way of connecting with people by putting them at ease. Dogs can feel human vocalization and gestures. It’s been revealed that individuals who have trouble communicating frequently find it simpler to do so with a dog, because of their capability to listen but not react or criticize.


  • Help with autistic kids: Dogs give something to talk about between autistic kids as well as their parents. They offer a non-judgemental medium to speak and have a mutual area of interest while also letting them reap the benefits of the aforementioned capability to support communication.
  • Physiological advantages: Therapy dogs can reduce blood pressure and help the patient relax in a more cozy setting. A dog’s sense of touch can automatically send a favorable receptor, like a warm sensation between the person and creature. This is really a rewarding method to relax the patient who might have problems with stress.
  • Helps around family: Therapy dogs are certified trained to retrieve medicine for the patient, answer the doorbell, and to react immediately to a smoke detector if the individual is unresponsive. These dogs are called animal- assisted treatment trained dogs
  • Encourages socializing: A study by Harvard demonstrates that dogs are not just great companies themselves, they’re able to additionally help create person-to-human camaraderie and social support, each of which are great for long term health. Folks with dogs are 60% more likely to meet up new folks!
  • Various kinds of therapy dogs to meet various needs: With each patient, there’s a distinct form of therapy dog trained to be satisfied for the various needs of that individual. The foremost is the “Therapeutic Visitation” dog, these are routine dogs that are taken by their owners to Rehabilitation practices, retirement homes, and hospitals. The Following kind is the “Animal Assisted Therapy” dog which helps its individuals in rehabilitation practices get their fine motor skills. Eventually is the “Facility Therapy” dog who’s tasked with helping seniors and dementia patients.
  • Encourage exercise: Having a therapy dog can boost your readiness to work out enhance your motor skills. It’s healthy for both the owner or patient and dog to take regular walks, which lets you go out as well as revel in the clean atmosphere and reap the advantages of communing with nature and those connected with exercise.


About VuCare Assistance Dogs

VuCare runs as a not for profit organization that provides support with medical aids and has a target to train Assistance Dogs and Companion Dogs to enhance the quality of life and raises the degree of freedom for those who have handicaps. VuCare Assistance Dogs and Company Dogs offer their new owners greater autonomy increased freedom, enhanced trust, and higher self esteem.

To find out more phone us on 1300 830 166 or e-mail us at See VuCare Assistance Dogs Australia web site at

VuCare Service Dog Training in Australia


Want to train your own dog to be a service dog?

An applicant’s own dog may be used for this program after both the applicant and dog undergo a full assessment before being accepted into any VuCare program. There is a small fee to cover our trainers time.

For more information call us on 1300 830 166 or email us at Visit VuCare Assistance Dogs website at

VuCare Assistance Dogs


Our specialty trained dogs assist and support their owners with everyday tasks that are made difficult due to their disability. Each dog is taught tasks tailored to each individual clients needs, enabling that person to lead a fuller and more independent life.

For more information call us on 1300 830 166 or email us at Visit VuCare Assistance Dogs website at


VuCare Volunteer Puppy Parents


Our Volunteer Puppy Parents walk the dogs, spend time with the dogs, help with administration and fundraising. Puppy Parent Volunteers need to be 18 years of age or older. We also have occasional Puppy Friend volunteers for specific work experience programs. Puppy Friend Volunteers need to be at least 14 years of age.

For more information call us on 1300 830 166 or email us at Visit VuCare Assistance Dogs website at