VuCare Assistance Dogs Australia: Want to train your own dog to be a service dog?


Want to train your own dog to be a service dog?

An applicant’s own dog may be used for this program after both the applicant and dog undergo a full assessment before being accepted into any VuCare program. There is a small fee to cover our trainers time.

For more information call us on 1300 830 166 or email us at Visit VuCare Assistance Dogs website at

VuCare Volunteer Puppy Parents


VuCare has a team of Volunteer Puppy Parents who work tirelessly and they all have one thing in common, a genuine love of animals and a desire to see them safe, happy and healthy.

Our Volunteer Puppy Parents walk the dogs, spend time with the dogs, help with administration and fundraising. Puppy Parent Volunteers need to be 18 years of age or older.

We also have occasional Puppy Friend volunteers for specific work experience programs. Puppy Friend Volunteers need to be at least 14 years of age.

All you need to be a Puppy Parent or Friend is a genuine love of animals, a genuine desire to work with dogs, be physically fit, enjoy walking and be the appropriate age. You will also need to make a commitment of 2 hours or more per visit either fortnightly or monthly.

For more information call us on 1300 830 166 or email us at Visit VuCare Assistance Dogs website at


VuCare Assistance Dogs


If you have, or know of, a puppy/young dog, which you think might be suitable for training, please contact our pooch support team by calling our Head Office on 1300 363 700 or by email at

For more information call us on 1300 830 166 or email us at Visit VuCare Assistance Dogs website at

Trainers and Assistance Dogs


Trainers and Assistance Dogs
VuCare in conjunction with our registered trainers preselect our dogs from a small group of trusted breeders so as to assure temperament and avoid potential genetic issues.

An applicant’s own dog may be used for this program after both the applicant and dog undergo a full assessment before being accepted into any VuCare program. There is a small fee to cover our trainers time.

For more information call us on 1300 830 166 or email us at Visit VuCare Assistance Dogs website at

Caring for Your Assistance Dogs Abroad


Find out tips for supplies to take along, climate preparations, and dog health when traveling internationally.

What will you bring?

  • Food and Nutritional Supplements
  • Figure out what you can bring along with you and purchase the rest of the food and supplies.
  • Make certain that the food is manufacturer-sealed in its bundle.  Consult your pet food supply shop for sample packs for aviation.
  • For short trips or dog food or other allergies, take what you may need (i.e. food, medication, shampoos) to travel.
  • For longer excursions, order food and supplies online or direct from the manufacturer and get it sent to your destination.  Many nations also have pet shops locally too.
  • Keep the medicine in original prescription bottles, sealed, and with a note describing what the medication is and its purpose.


  • Think about the climate from which you’re coming since the dog will have their summer or winter coat.
  • When traveling from a cold climate to a warm climate, acclimatize your assistance dogs by:
  • Shaving the coat if possible
  • Brushing the coat frequently
  • Adding Pedialyte® to water bowls to prevent dehydration
  • Placing freezer packs in the pockets of vests to cool the body down
  • Purchasing a “cooler” collar to wear
  • Purchasing booties to protect the dog’s pads, if applicable

When traveling from a warmer climate to cold weather, consider:

  • Purchasing vests/coats with insulation
  • Purchasing booties to protect the dog’s pads, if applicable
  • Brushing the coat frequently.
  • Some dogs will want to get used to some new equipment before being able to work without being distracted by it.


How do I maintain my guide dog healthy?

Carry a pet first aid kit with you, or supplement yours with what your assistance dog requirements.

Require a pet first aid class.  Even if you can not physically perform the needed action you might have the ability to instruct another individual and save your assistance dog’s life.

Identify veterinarians in the regions you intend to travel.  Keep their names and contact information in a convenient, safe location.

Set aside money for health certificates, vet visits, and penalties related to traveling with an animal.

Carry a head halter and/or muzzle.  Ensure that your assistance dog was introduced into these items before traveling.  Some areas may require a muzzle or muzzle as an instrument for dogs in public.

Care for yourself.  Your service dog depends upon you as much as you do them.  Ensure that you are in good health so that you can care for your assistance dog.

Have a backup plan to fulfill your needs in the event your assistance dog isn’t permitted to accompany you or becomes unable to operate.


If you’re searching for assistance dogs in Australia, check out VuCare Assistance Dogs.  VuCare functions as a not for profit organization that offers aid with medical aids and has a goal to train Assistance Dogs and Companion Dogs to enhance the quality of life and increases the level of independence for individuals with disabilities.  VuCare Assistance Dogs and Companion Dogs provide their new owners greater liberty increased mobility, improved confidence, and greater self-esteem.

To learn more call us on 1300 830 166 or email us at  Visit VuCare Assistance Dogs site at
