Importance of Owning an Assistance Dogs


A Guide Dog is a working dog that’s been highly trained to direct someone with impaired vision safely from one place to another.

What’s the function of an assistance dog?

Assistance Dogs assist people with disabilities and give them freedom and independence.  They help their clients with things like picking up dropped items, opening, and closing doors, pressing the button at the traffic lights and alert barking when their customer is in trouble.

Why are they so important?

Assistance Dogs give their customers the confidence to get out and about and increase their self-esteem.  Assistance Dogs also offer emotional support in addition to a physical support to their ‘teammate’. They bring independence, freedom, confidence, happiness, and trust.

Can any dog become an assistance dog?  Otherwise, what does it take?

VuCare Assistance Dogs raise and train Labradors and Golden Retrievers to be Assistance Dogs.  These dogs enjoy learning new things and love being around people.

What’s involved when training assistance dogs?

Every dog takes two years to train.  To train an Assistance Dog over a two year period costs $27,000, and this also covers things like vet visits, bedding, food, toys, travel costs etc..

From eight months to 14 months, these special dogs reside with volunteer puppy raisers, whose obligation it is to give a loving home and basic obedience.


Puppies that are chosen to become Guide Dogs then experience five weeks of intensive training, learning the skills they will need to safely guide a vision impaired handler. Training includes: how to ignore distractions like noises and food; navigate obstacles; traveling on public transportation, and find landmarks like bus stops and cross streets safely.

Some jobs, like stopping at all curbs and staircases, are taught through repetition.  Other jobs require intensive training, like negotiating a busy train platform to discover the train doors.  As training progresses, Guide Dogs learn to travel through crowded and confusing places, such as shopping centers and busy city streets.

What breeds of dogs make great Guide Dogs?

Aspiring puppies are carefully chosen based on their assurance, responsiveness, and wellness.  In Australia, Guide Dogs are usually purebred Labradors and Golden Retrievers, since they’re calm, loyal and smart breeds with an established track record as Guide Dogs.

Do all of the puppies in the app become Guide Dogs?  For a variety of reasons, from wellness to nature, not all dogs are appropriate to getting Guide Dogs — some are better suited to companion function, but some make good family pets.  The criteria for selection are very stringent as the personal security of future handlers is paramount.


About VuCare Assistance Dogs

VuCare runs as a not for profit organization that provides support with medical aids and has a target to train Assistance Dogs and Company Dogs to enhance the quality of life and raises the degree of freedom for those who have handicaps. VuCare Assistance Dogs and Company Dogs offer their new owners greater autonomy increased freedom, enhanced trust, and higher self-esteem.

To find out more phone us on 1300 830 166 or e-mail us at See VuCare Assistance Dogs Australia website at

VuCare Assistance Dogs: Our Mission


VuCare Assistance Dogs: Our Mission

The mission of VuCare Assistance Dogs is to help children and adults with disabilities achieve greater independence by training and placing service and therapy dogs to assist with the individual’s daily needs.

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For more information call us on 1300 830 166 or email us at Visit VuCare Assistance Dogs website at

VuCare Assistance Dogs and Trainers


VuCare in conjunction with our registered trainers preselect our dogs from a small group of trusted breeders so as to assure temperament and avoid potential genetic issues.

An applicant’s own dog may be used for this program after both the applicant and dog undergo a full assessment before being accepted into any VuCare program. There is a small fee to cover our trainers time.

For more information call us on 1300 830 166 or email us at Visit VuCare Assistance Dogs website at

What we Believe at VuCare Assistance Dogs


What we Believe

About our Clients we believe that…

– Increasing the independence of people with disabilities is beneficial to both the individual and the community.
– Obtaining an assistance dog is a life changing experience for people with disabilities, providing for both their physical and emotional needs.
– Clients deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.
– Placement of successor dogs with past clients should have priority over new dog placements.

About our Dogs we believe that…

– Dogs should be selected and trained to satisfy individual client needs.
– Positive-reinforcement training and high levels of care produces higher quality dogs.
– Dogs have an important place in people’s lives.

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For more information call us on 1300 830 166 or email us at Visit VuCare Assistance Dogs website at

VuCare Assistance Dogs


VuCare in conjunction with our registered trainers preselect our dogs from a small group of trusted breeders so as to assure temperament and avoid potential genetic issues.

An applicant’s own dog may be used for this program after both the applicant and dog undergo a full assessment before being accepted into any VuCare program. There is a small fee to cover our trainers time.

For more information call us on 1300 830 166 or email us at Visit VuCare Assistance Dogs website at

What Are Service Dogs Supposed to Do?


It defines a service animal as “any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability, including a physical, neurological, psychiatric, intellectual or another mental handicap, to be able to mitigate the handicap.” A number of types of service dogs exist, and the tasks each kind is supposed to perform are determined by the disability of the individual he assists.

Guide Dogs

The guide dog aids a man who’s completely or largely visually impaired. The first type of service dog has been the guide dog, known to some as “seeing eye” dog. Although previously this animal had aided the blind; it was just after World War I that a formal training program was organized, in Germany to assist war veterans. The activities of a guide dog may consist of helping his bill in moving about and alerting them to dangerous conditions, like approaching vehicles. The dog has to have the ability to discover and follow a clear route, stop at curbs and safely avoid barriers. He works inside and outside the house and may retrieve dropped or lost objects.


Service, Therapy, Emotional Support, Companion

It’s important to differentiate between service animals and companion dogs / animals. Service animals are working animals, not pets. “Emotional support animals” is a legal term for common domestic animals who provide therapeutic support to handicapped or elderly owners through nonjudgmental companionship and affection. These animals aren’t trained to perform specific tasks but must be reasonably well-behaved. Such animals are usually dogs. The advantages of having a companion animal — a pet — include lower cholesterol, triglycerides and anxiety; increased physical activity; and more social interaction. However, a pet isn’t specially trained to mitigate a handicap.

Other Kinds of Service Dogs

A hearing dog aids a person with partial or complete hearing impairment by alerting the individual to sounds or to the existence of others, like when the operator’s name is called, the telephone or doorbell rings, or a smoke detector goes off. An alert/response dog alerts someone or others to a seizure or other severe medical condition. Another sort of service dog aids a person whose mobility is impaired and lacks balance, stability or the ability to move about under his own power, like getting in and out of a wheelchair or getting up after a fall. The tasks these dogs perform include retrieving items from the ground, manipulating light switches, helping to groom or remove clothes, providing support for walking, helping with rolling over in bed, and opening and closing drawers and doors. They retrieve things like drugs, including from a fridge, among other tasks. The medical assistant dog aids persons with cognitive, autism, psychiatric or neurological disabilities. Common owners have asthma, cancer or Alzheimer’s, or are subject to seizures — certain trained dogs may warn the owner before the seizure occurs. Sometimes, a dog is trained to move the individual to a secure place and recover his medication. A psychiatric service dog offers therapeutic companionship to a man suffering from depression, panic attacks, anxiety, PTSD or agoraphobia, among other things.


Rights and Duties of Owners and the General Public

A service dog must be allowed access to public places. He must act properly, without showing aggression, barking, whining or annoying the general public by asking for food or attention. The handler should control him, and he will typically be on a leash. The general public must permit the service dog to do his work, not divert him, pet him, speak to him or attempt to create eye contact. All service dogs have prerequisites that might include such things as having the ability to perform three or more tasks to aid with the disability; demonstrating basic obedience skills in response to voice or hand signals to sit, stay, lie down, walk beside the handler and come when called; walk calmly on tether; execute tasks in public; and lie quietly beside the handler without obstructing passageways.


If you are looking for assistance dogs in Australia, check out VuCare Assistance Dogs. VuCare operates as a not for profit organization that provides support with medical aids and has a goal to train Assistance Dogs and Companion Dogs to improve the quality of life and increase the level of independence for people with disabilities. VuCare Assistance Dogs and Companion Dogs offer their new owners greater independence increased mobility, enhanced confidence and higher self esteem.

For more information call us on 1300 830 166 or email us at Visit VuCare Assistance Dogs website at


Caring for Your Assistance Dogs Abroad


Find out tips for supplies to take along, climate preparations, and dog health when traveling internationally.

What will you bring?

  • Food and Nutritional Supplements
  • Figure out what you can bring along with you and purchase the rest of the food and supplies.
  • Make certain that the food is manufacturer-sealed in its bundle.  Consult your pet food supply shop for sample packs for aviation.
  • For short trips or dog food or other allergies, take what you may need (i.e. food, medication, shampoos) to travel.
  • For longer excursions, order food and supplies online or direct from the manufacturer and get it sent to your destination.  Many nations also have pet shops locally too.
  • Keep the medicine in original prescription bottles, sealed, and with a note describing what the medication is and its purpose.


  • Think about the climate from which you’re coming since the dog will have their summer or winter coat.
  • When traveling from a cold climate to a warm climate, acclimatize your assistance dogs by:
  • Shaving the coat if possible
  • Brushing the coat frequently
  • Adding Pedialyte® to water bowls to prevent dehydration
  • Placing freezer packs in the pockets of vests to cool the body down
  • Purchasing a “cooler” collar to wear
  • Purchasing booties to protect the dog’s pads, if applicable

When traveling from a warmer climate to cold weather, consider:

  • Purchasing vests/coats with insulation
  • Purchasing booties to protect the dog’s pads, if applicable
  • Brushing the coat frequently.
  • Some dogs will want to get used to some new equipment before being able to work without being distracted by it.


How do I maintain my guide dog healthy?

Carry a pet first aid kit with you, or supplement yours with what your assistance dog requirements.

Require a pet first aid class.  Even if you can not physically perform the needed action you might have the ability to instruct another individual and save your assistance dog’s life.

Identify veterinarians in the regions you intend to travel.  Keep their names and contact information in a convenient, safe location.

Set aside money for health certificates, vet visits, and penalties related to traveling with an animal.

Carry a head halter and/or muzzle.  Ensure that your assistance dog was introduced into these items before traveling.  Some areas may require a muzzle or muzzle as an instrument for dogs in public.

Care for yourself.  Your service dog depends upon you as much as you do them.  Ensure that you are in good health so that you can care for your assistance dog.

Have a backup plan to fulfill your needs in the event your assistance dog isn’t permitted to accompany you or becomes unable to operate.


If you’re searching for assistance dogs in Australia, check out VuCare Assistance Dogs.  VuCare functions as a not for profit organization that offers aid with medical aids and has a goal to train Assistance Dogs and Companion Dogs to enhance the quality of life and increases the level of independence for individuals with disabilities.  VuCare Assistance Dogs and Companion Dogs provide their new owners greater liberty increased mobility, improved confidence, and greater self-esteem.

To learn more call us on 1300 830 166 or email us at  Visit VuCare Assistance Dogs site at


VuCare Assistance Dogs, Therapy Dogs, and Companion Dogs Australia


VuCare runs as a not for profit organization that provides support with medical aids and has a target to train Assistance Dogs, Therapy Dogs and Companion Dogs to enhance the quality of life and raises the degree of freedom for those who have handicaps. VuCare Assistance Dogs offer their new owners greater autonomy increased freedom, enhanced trust, and higher self-esteem.

To find out more call us on 1300 830 166 or e-mail us at Visit our website at

What is an Assistance Dog?


Have you ever wondered assistance dogs move from lively pups to sensible and loyal companions?

What is an Assistance Dog?

Assistance Dog is a working dog that’s been highly trained to direct someone with impaired vision safely from one place to another.

Why is Assistance Dog significant?

Assistance Dog enables people with vision impairment to avoid independently and safely and to participate fully in their communities.

How many people have an Assistance Dog in Australia?

There are more than 800 working guide dogs in Australia.

How much does it cost to train an Assistance Dog?

The process of turning a lively puppy into a responsible, working dogs is quite incredible, taking nearly two decades and costing over $30,000– equal to the price of a vehicle. Guide dogs are supplied free of charge to individuals with impaired vision.


How is an Assistance Dog trained?

From eight months to 14 weeks, these special puppies live with volunteer puppy raisers, whose obligation it is to supply a loving home and basic obedience.

At 14 months, pups go back to the VuCare Assistance Dogs Centre in which they’re evaluated on health and temperament. Puppies that are chosen to become assistant dogs then experience five weeks of intensive training, learning the skills they will need to safely guide a vision impaired handler.

Coaching includes: how to ignore distractions like food and noises; browse obstacles; traveling on public transportation, and discover landmarks like bus stops and cross streets safely.

Some jobs, such as stopping at all curbs and staircases, are taught through repetition. Other jobs require intensive training, like negotiating a busy train platform to discover the train doors. As training progresses, guide dogs learn to travel through crowded and confusing places, such as shopping centers and busy city streets.

What breeds of dogs make great an Assistance Dog?

Aspiring dogs are carefully chosen based on their assurance, responsiveness, and wellness. In Australia, Assistance Dogs is usually purebred Labradors and Golden Retrievers, since they’re calm, loyal and smart breeds with an established track record as assistant dogs.

Do all of the puppies become Assistance Dogs?

For a variety of reasons, from wellness to nature, not all dogs are appropriate to become Assistance Dogs — some are better suited to companion function, but some make good family pets. The criteria for selection are very stringent since the personal safety of prospective handlers is paramount.



Assistance Dogs facts and fibs

“Assistance Dogs is a bit like a car. We use a car to get around independently but the car does not make decisions about where to proceed. Assistance Dogs enables a person who’s blind or vision impaired to be independently mobile but it’s one better than a car as it stops and alerts its own handler to any threat or obstacles in their path,” says Dr. White.

“With growing numbers of Assistance Dogs working on our roads because of climbing vision loss, we think it is vital that the public fully understands the important role of Assistance Dogs in the area,” he adds.


About VuCare Assistance Dogs

VuCare runs as a not for profit organization that provides support with medical aids and has a target to train Assistance Dogs and Company Dogs to enhance the quality of life and raises the degree of freedom for those who have handicaps. VuCare Assistance Dogs and Company Dogs offer their new owners greater autonomy increased freedom, enhanced trust, and higher self-esteem.

To find out more phone us on 1300 830 166 or e-mail us at See VuCare Assistance Dogs Australia website at

VuCare Assistance Dogs Training Programs


VuCare Assistance Dogs Training Programs:
For Pets and their companions.

– Better Pet basic
– Social Interaction
– Assess for home assist
– General home assist
– Advance home assist
– One on One Training
– Private Assistance Dogs
– Security Guard Dogs (AFP check required)
– Dog Training Course 1 (beginner)
– Dog Training Course 2 (advance)

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For more information call us on 1300 830 166 or email us at Visit VuCare Assistance Dogs website at