What we Believe at VuCare Assistance Dogs


What we Believe at VuCare Assistance Dogs
About our Clients we believe that…

– Increasing the independence of people with disabilities is beneficial to both the individual and the community.
– Obtaining an assistance dog is a life changing experience for people with disabilities, providing for both their physical and emotional needs.
– Clients deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.
– Placement of successor dogs with past clients should have priority over new dog placements.

About our Dogs we believe that…

– Dogs should be selected and trained to satisfy individual client needs.
– Positive-reinforcement training and high levels of care produces higher quality dogs.
– Dogs have an important place in people’s lives.

Read more: http://vucare.com.au

For more information call us on 1300 830 166 or email us at info@vucare.com.au. Visit VuCare Assistance Dogs website at http://vucare.com.au.


What makes great assistance dogs


What makes great assistance dogs

Assistance Dogs come from varying backgrounds and in all shapes and sizes but there are certain breeds that are not suitable for assistance dog work such as the guarding breeds or dogs with a strong tendency to chase.

Whatever their owner’s disability may be all our Assistance Dogs are recognisable by their distinctive VuCare jacket, embroidered lead and I.D. tag.

If you have, or know of, a puppy/young dog, which you think might be suitable for training, please contact our pooch support team by calling our Head Office on 1300 363 700 or by email at poochteam@vucare.com.au.

For more information call us on 1300 830 166 or email us at info@vucare.com.au. VuCare website will launch soon!